AIDS Run & Walk Chicago Facebook Fundraising

Ready to Unlock the Power of Facebook Fundraising?

Start a fundraiser and let Facebook to the heavy lifting for you. With a few clicks on your Classy page, Facebook will be able to promote your fundraiser to network, thank your donors, and increase your impact for the Chicagoland Community. Follow this simple guide to learn more.

Why Launch an Integrated Facebook Fundraiser?

It’s simple—With just a few clicks, you can invite your Facebook friends to donate to your fundraiser—and they can do so on the spot!

It’s responsive—When a donation is made via Facebook, it will be credited to your personal fundraising page within the hour! Your Facebook friends can also see real-time updates on your progress via your Facebook fundraiser.

It maximizes your fundraising potential—Connect with donors across your entire Facebook network (if they share your fundraiser with their friends!).

How to Launch a Facebook Fundraiser:

Step #1—Login to your Participant Center
Visit and login with your username and password. Click the “Go to…” drop down and select your personal fundraising page. At the top lefthand corner, click the “MANAGE” button.

Step #2—Create a Facebook Fundraiser
Once in the Participant Center, click the FACEBOOK tab. Then, click the “CREATE” button to get started. If you’re not already logged in to Facebook, then enter your login credentials. When prompted, click “OK” to allow Facebook to manage your fundraiser. Voila—your Facebook fundraiser is ready to go!

Step #3—View your Fundraiser on Facebook
Your Facebook fundraiser has been created and immediately was posted to your timeline. To view and edit the fundraiser, click on the “View” button on the Facebook tab of the Participant Center or access it via Facebook.

Step #4—Start fundraising!
Invite your friends to donate to your Facebook fundraiser! When you begin to receive donations, post updates on your progress within the fundraiser and be sure to thank you donors, too!

Facebook FAQ

Will donors get a tax receipt if they donate through Facebook?

Yes, donors will receive a tax receipt from Facebook to the email address associated with their Facebook account. Since Facebook does not share personal information with AIDS Foundation Chicago, donors will receive a donation receipt from Facebook, not from AFC.

Can I update my Facebook Fundraiser?

Yes. Fundraisers may be updated after they are generated on Facebook. However, changes made to the Facebook fundraiser may not be reflected in the Participant Center.

How will Facebook donors appear on the AIDS Run & Walk website?

All Facebook donors will appear as “Facebook Fundraiser” on your personal fundraising page. They will be listed under the comments section along with their donation amount.

How can I thank my donors?

We recommend thanking your donors on Facebook! You can post on their timeline, send a personal message, or even tag them in our Thank You E-Cards!

My progress meters do not match.

Donations via Facebook may take time to process and appear on your personal fundraising page. In addition, Facebook fundraisers do not reflect refunded donations, which may result in a discrepancy between progress meters.

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