AIDS Run & Walk Chicago Getting Started with Fundraising

Ready to start fundraising for AIDS Run & Walk?

Last year, AIDS Run/Walk raised over $500,000 for HIV care, prevention, and supportive services.  Whether you’re a returning supporter or a first-time fundraiser, use this guide to maximize your impact and Show Up, Show Out in 2024!

1. Set your Goal

Before you dive in, decide on a realistic fundraising goal. Consider how much you aim to raise and how to plan to achieve it. Your goal will be a huge motivation throughout your fundraising efforts.

Aim high and earn Run & Walk exclusive rewards!

2. Personalize your Fundraising Page

After you register for AIDS Run & Walk Chicago, you’ll be able to access your personal page. Visit and login in with your username and password. Click the “Go to…” drop down and select your personal fundraising page. At the top lefthand corner, click the “MANAGE” button.

Follow the prompts in the Overview tab update your page. Invite your supports to connect with you and with AIDS Run & Walk Chicago by offering your “why”. What in your life motivated you personally to join Run & Walk, and what you are most excited to support with the funds raised.

3. Spread the Word

Reach out to your network! Share your fundraising page by text, email, and on social media all from your personal page. Personalize your message and don’t forget to include a link to encourage people to donate and join on.

Learn how to set up an integrated Facebook Fundraiser!

4. Get Creative

Think outside the box! Host virtual events, organize bake sales, or offer personalized cards for every donation. Get creative your fundraising ideas to attract more supporter. Check out some of our D.I.Y. fundraiser ideas here.

5. Thank Your Supporters

Stay connected with your donor and supporters by thanking them for their contributions. Be sure to provide updates on your progress and show your supporters how their contributions impact the community. Building strong relationships will encourage ongoing engagement.

6. Double Your Impact

Did you know that every donation has a chance to be doubled? Many employers offer matching charitable donations, and we’ve made it easy for your donors to find out if they are able to double their impact. Head over to Double the Donation and find out!

Get Started Today!

It’s time to get started and put the fun in fundraising! Together we can Show up and Show out for people living with and vulnerable to HIV and other chronic conditions.

Sign up for AIDS Run & Walk Chicago and we’ll see your Saturday, September 28th.

If you have any questions about fundraising or AIDS Run & Walk Chicago email us at [email protected]

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