On April 11, 2024, AFC's Community Partnerships and Special Projects Department hosted Sisterhood: Sips and Solutions at the Shine Bright Community Center, located on Chicago’s Southside in the Chatham neighborhood. Orchestrated by AFC Employment Specialist Nicole Baldwin and featuring speakers Victoria Rudd and Ibie Hart, the event provided a platform for women to connect, learn, and uplift one another in the context of navigating the workplace and maximizing employment opportunities. 

A Night of Empowerment and Education 
Throughout the night, there was a palpable sense of camaraderie and support, as participants encouraged one another and shared their insights and experiences. The atmosphere was charged with positivity as attendees delved into discussions around workplace communication, negotiation, and navigating the job market.   

Sisterhood Sip & Solutions was inspired, in part, by studies cited in a 2022 Harvard Business Review article which discussed the various pressures that are more likely to affect women in the workplace, often in surprising and nuanced ways.  

“The inequities in employment are undeniable. This is important in our work because we know that there is a clear connection between gainful employment and improved medical outcomes,” said Nicole Baldwin, the event’s organizer. “As a professional in employment, it is clear to me that minimum wage pay is not a long-term solution to the challenges that our clients face. Therefore, sharing ways to gain equity in pay and working conditions is a necessary part of what we must offer those that we serve.” The premise of the Sisterhood Sip was to provide women just that: sharing necessary skills, valuable workplace communication tools, and strategies to navigate the job search and workplace effectively. 

Engaging in Sisterhood 

Attendees also enjoyed light food and refreshments, creating an inviting and welcoming atmosphere that encouraged connection and conversation. A prize drawing added excitement to the evening, and each guest received a gift bag to take home as a token of appreciation for their participation. 

“The opportunity to engage in sisterly bonding was a highlight of the evening, fostering a sense of unity, relevancy, necessity, support, learning, and shared purpose among the women present,”  said Dr. Cynthia Tucker, Senior Vice President of Prevention and Community Partnerships at AFC. The supportive and encouraging environment provided participants with networking practice and confidence to navigate the job market and workplace with a sense of self-worth and empowerment. 

Career Insights

The session offered an abundance of valuable information. Attendees learned the importance of creating a professional email and received guidance on crafting effective job applications, resumes, and cover letters. 

Attendees also received valuable strategies and tips for an effective job search, such as: 

- Leveraging online job search platforms: Utilizing tools like Indeed to find job opportunities and maximize employment options. 
- Developing an impactful elevator pitch: Crafting a concise and compelling pitch to showcase their skills and qualifications. 
- Presenting themselves professionally: Emphasizing the importance of professional attire and personal care during interviews and on the job. 
- Expanding their network: Learning how to build connections with others in their industry. 
- Negotiating job offers: Being prepared to advocate for fair compensation and benefits during job acceptance. 

To further support attendees in their journey, each guest received an Employment Resource Guide, which provided more detailed information on the topics discussed during the event. The guide also included links to resources and tips to help women succeed in their job search and in the workplace. 

Speakers highlighted the importance of negotiation during job acceptance, providing attendees with the confidence to advocate for fair compensation and benefits. This includes negotiating for more money, equity, stock options, or additional perks such as extra vacation days. 

Meet the Speakers 

Victoria Rudd is a Chicago native with a passion for community engagement and social impact. As the Lead Community Affairs Specialist for Discover Financial Services, she manages relationships with community-based organizations and supports workforce development. Rudd's career began at Discover following her graduation from the University of Chicago with a master's in social work. She is dedicated to creating a significant impact in Chicago communities through her work. 

Ibie Hart brings her firsthand experience with inequitable work environments to her role supporting Women Employed. She helps women reach economic security, leadership, and wealth through initiatives such as the Women’s Entrepreneurship Hub and Women Employed Consulting practice. Hart is committed to advocating for women's rights and opportunities, both within traditional workplaces and through entrepreneurship. 

AFC's Community Partnership and Special Projects Department 

AFC's Community Partnership and Specials Projects Department (a mouthful, we know) plays a critical role in advancing research initiatives and programs while fostering capacity building and providing technical assistance. Under the leadership of Dr. Cynthia Tucker, the team consisting of Tamika Foust, L'Oreal Bailey, Tamecia Moore, Donnise Gaffeney, Nicole Baldwin, Anthony Dupree, and Carla Davis, is dedicated to promoting employment and workforce development, as well as racial equity work and specialized programming for Black and Brown populations. Their collective efforts create a foundation for lasting impact and positive change. 

Special Thanks 

The Shine Bright Community Center provided a welcoming space for the event, contributing to the evening's success. AFC is grateful for the center's support. 

The Sisterhood: Sips and Solutions event was an impactful opportunity for women to gain insights, network, and find empowerment as they navigate the complexities of the modern workplace. Thanks to AFC's Community Partnership and Special Projects Department, future events will continue to foster sisterhood and provide women with the tools they need to succeed. 

Photos from Sisterhood: Sips and Solutions can be found here.