(From Right to Left: Emilio Davis, Kim Hunt, Edward Wagner, Jordon Baker, Iana Amiscaray, August Spree, Erwin Saenz, Livvie Avrick and Carter Oselett)

After a five-year hiatus, the Windy City Times’ 30 Under 30 event is back by popular demand. In partnership with Windy City Times, AIDS Foundation Chicago, and Pride Action Tank, the highly anticipated event, which was held at LinkedIn, 525 W. Monroe St., on Thursday, June 6, 2024, aims to honor the outstanding leaders of tomorrow. The evening celebrated 32 remarkable individuals who have made substantial contributions to the LGBTQ+ community across various fields, including entertainment, politics, health, activism, academics, sports, and more. This year’s honoree count is slightly higher due to the event’s hiatus. The event featured light refreshments and food, allowing attendees to mingle and celebrate the honorees in a warm and welcoming environment.

The LinkedIn space itself added to the enchanting atmosphere of the evening, featuring wind patterns on the meeting room walls to represent “The Windy City” and vivid graphic art in the transition areas, creating a dynamic and immersive experience. This thoughtful decor tied in with the theme of the night, celebrating the vibrant and ever-evolving contributions of the LGBTQ+ community to Chicago’s diverse cultural landscape.

The crowd was enthusiastic and supportive, creating an atmosphere of joy and celebration. Hosted by Kim Hunt and Jose “Che-Che” Wilson, the event highlighted the achievements of these young leaders who have not only excelled in their respective fields but are also paving the way for a more inclusive future.

Over the past twenty years, the Windy City Times has honored hundreds of individuals through this prestigious award. Many past honorees have gone on to achieve great success in their professional and educational endeavors, with one even becoming the mayor of a major U.S. city. The impact of these awards is evident, as numerous recipients have made significant strides in the arts, law, academia, and other areas.

This year’s event was made possible through the generous support of sponsors, including AIDS Foundation Chicago (AFC), Pride Action Tank, Windy City Times, Monarq Advisors, Equality Illinois, Center on Halsted, LinkedIn, Geof and Joshua Brown, Chicago History Museum, and Fifth Third Bank.

AFC is particularly excited to highlight four honored staff members this year: Livvie Avrick, Iana Amiscaray, Jordon Baker, and Carter Oselett. These individuals have made exceptional contributions to the LGBTQ+ community and are recognized for their dedication and hard work.

(Left to right: Honorees Jordon Baker, Carter Oselett, Iana Amiscaray, Livvie Avrick and John Peller)

AFC’s Honorees

Iana Amisacaray (she/her) is a manager of special projects with Pride Action Tank and AFC’s Policy and Advocacy team. She assists with managing and implementing major initiatives and programs, primarily focusing on the Connection to Care Learning Collaborative. This initiative aims to increase the capacity of federally qualified health centers to provide culturally responsive, LGBTQ+-centered HIV treatment and prevention services. Iana also coordinates policy implementation initiatives like OUTAging, the Community Restroom Access Project (CRAP), and SOGI Data collection. She is deeply committed to social justice, whole-person approaches, healing as a key part of leadership, and transformative education that leads to liberation

At Pride Action Tank, we curate spaces that support queer communities across Illinois to co-create liberatory futures for ourselves and share our vast array of stories. My goal is to continue being a part of initiatives that curate these kinds of spaces so that trans and queer people are not only able to dream beyond what’s possible, but also able to embark on the path toward those dreams.

I’m also learning fashion design on top of the advocacy and activism that I’m engaged in now. Fashion was one of my queer awakenings, so I hope to bring these worlds together eventually – Iana Amiscaray

Livvie Avrick (she/they) creates dynamic and safe community spaces for the LGBTQ+ community both online and offline. As the digital communications manager for AIDS Foundation Chicago, Livvie uses highly visible platforms to promote healthcare access, end homelessness, support harm reduction, and advocate for racial justice. On weekends, Livvie teaches a theater program for high schoolers at Piven Theatre Workshop, fostering a safe and inclusive environment for young performers.

I am grateful to be recognized as one of the 30 under 30 and I am proud to be included in this group of incredible individuals. I feel lucky to be able to work within my LGBTQ+ community and give thanks to all those who came before me and paved the way.

What I am most proud of is helping others tell their stories. It’s not just interviews and providing a platform, but I get to foster relationships and build trust; I am grateful to those who are generous with their stories and are willing to share to help others learn, connect, grow, including myself. – Livvie Avrick

Jordon Baker (he/him), a community engagement and education manager, has dedicated over 10 years to spreading awareness about HIV. With a focus on the Black LGBTQ+ community, Jordon advocates for social justice, healthcare access, and equal rights, making a lasting impact and inspiring others to join the fight for equality.

“As I exit my roaring twenties and enter my thrilling thirties – I encourage young LGBTQ+ “TO BE WHO YOU AREEEEEEEE” and never be afraid of the light you carry within.” -Jordon Baker

Carter Oselett (he/him) is a research and evaluation specialist at AIDS Foundation Chicago, primarily working in homelessness services and HIV prevention. He has presented research at various conferences and organized public health initiatives like a bike ride with the queer biking club Cruise, where he distributed at-home HIV testing kits and harm reduction materials.

We are incredibly proud to have these honorees counted amongst us, representing AFC values through their dedication and contributions. Their accomplishments highlight the strength and resilience of our community and inspire us all to continue striving for a better, more inclusive future.